Why Janet Mbugua believes its important to play the fool at times

Renowned media personality, author, and human rights activist Janet Mbugua has shared insights on why people should learn which situations people should learn to fight for and which ones they should just walk away from.

The former news anchor maintained this applies to people as well as there are individuals who will purposefully try and make things difficult for you, and it only gets worse if you entertain them.

“I have come to the realization that sometimes it is okay to play the fool if it means preserving your peace. You know nowadays some levels of peace you cannot trade them for anything. You get to a place and you are just like it is what it is.

You can look at a scenario or a person and be like this one will not change and others for lack of a better term you can negotiate,” stated the mother of two.

She went on to remind individuals how they react to situations translates to how they treat themselves, the thoughts they harbour and their overall energy thus why they should always learn to gauge a situation or a person before reacting.

According to Janet, sometimes, no reaction is the best way to go as not only does it save you from negative energy, and protect your peace but it also allows the other person to stew in their actions and come into terms with their behaviour, most times if not always.