UDA NEB chairman Mwaura pledges free and fair e-poll tomorrow » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 25 – The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) National Elections Board has pledged a free and fair e-poll party primaries that kicks off tomorrow.

According to the board’s’ chairman Anthony Mwaura, digital equipment including tablets have already been dispatched from the Party headquarters.

Mwaura stated that over 5,000, electronic gadgets and necessary manpower have been distributed in the polling stations in 2,900 polling centers in counties including Nairobi, Narok, West-Pokot, Busia, and Homa Bay.

“All the logistical plans are in place. Election materials, notably the electronic gadgets to be used, have been distributed to respective counties and the manpower is well prepared to conduct the elections,” he stated.

 “The preparations have been meticulous and as a Board, we believe that we have aligned every cog of the wheel to ensure that the process is flawless.”

He pointed out that voters will only be required to present his/ her identity card for the elections

According to Mwaura, the gadgets will meticulously guide the voter on the steps to take to vote for a candidate.

The gadgets are set to ensure that there is transparency and fairness in the elections elections.

“As we have announced before, our election will be purely electronic. The first electronic elections to be held in this country. Only the voter will be required to present him or herself to the polling station,” he stated

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The Chair further stated that two helicopters will be responsible for delivering gadgets to flood-affected areas.

The elections are set to commence at 9 AM and end at 3 PM. According to Mwaura, the election results will be released “one minute” after the elections are complete

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