Trending Raha Fest ‘yoga girl’ talks rate card and pole-dancing

The host was strongly taken aback by the reply as he did not expect dancing to be raking in such a huge sum of pay.

He went on to ask if she was indeed serious about charging her clients  half a million shillings and what the said amount entailed.

C’mon! Take me slow, SH.500k for what?” a surprised Silva asked Cece as he tried comprehending what she had just said.

“It depends honestly with how long you want me to be on the pole but usually a set is 10 minutes so that is Sh.500,000 pekee yake tu (only),” responded the now trending Raha Fest Yoga girl.

Although she declined to reveal how much she had made from her weekend performance detailing that one does not defecate where they eat and it was low-key uncouth to go advertising all your business to the public.

On how she convinced her parents to let her try out the craft, Celonia went on to give her family their flowers as she walked down memory lane.

“This is my main hustle. Besides dancing, I am a full-time teacher. I have a studio on 104 Riverside Drive where I teach all day every day so full-time hustle.

My mom has strongly been my biggest supporter, my dad too but my mom has really come through! My whole family too but my mom has been my BIGGEST support. So at first they were like ‘aaii unataka kufanya yoga? Na hii pole?’

But I’m glad they trusted the process. Actually, when I brought the pole she actually tried it out, she was like okay let’s do this and she climbed on it. So very supportive,” an elated Cece recounted as she thanked her family for rallying behind her and her creative process,

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