Tracy Waithera addresses fan concerns about not being bubbly anymore
She has always been a highly energetic content creator, landing her the praise of fans online.
However, that is no longer the case according to her fans.
Many continue to remark that they miss the old Tracy.
Tracy re-merged on her social media, with a dramatic weight loss that fans reacted to.
“I’m in a good state mentally and emotionally. I’m at a perfect space” she informed Parents Magazine in their latest YouTube video.
She puts this down to a healing journey and rebranding.
“Do something that will bring you closer to the person you want to become. I looked at my life and then I was like there is the kind of woman I envisioned in my head, so the decisions that I’m making today are they bringing forward that woman”
Fans have told Tracy they miss her bubbly and hyper personality and want her to return to her former old self
Tracy responded to the concerns expressed by telling Parents Magazine,
“My brand has taught me a lot. Sometimes when you are starting the brand you need to be as authentic as who you are and try and share your passions, things you like and love as now the brand because the brand is the picture of how people see you like, your brand is the image”
“So I found myself having this image that was built on a false identity, and so I had now to go into a journey of re-branding because when you now see me journaling, it’s not that it is something I was not doing. I just returned to a younger me, right now I’m on a journey of self-discovery. It is me returning to the me I was meant to be, rather than the me that the culture wants me to be. I feel my other version was showing herself to the world according to how she thought the world wanted her to be seen.”
Tracy reflected deeply on this
“Am I saying that I am not hyper? I am still hyper I still have that button of I will turn it up, but now I am embracing all versions of myself. The flawed, vulnerable Teresia.” she added calling it a facade.”