Tourism CS nominee explains why Maasai Mara fees were hiked

Tourism Cabinet Secretary CS nominee Rebecca Miano has retreated that there were things that needed to be done to make Maasai Mara National reserve among others to be more competitive in the tourism sector.
Speaking during the vetting exercise to the National Assembly Appointments Committee members, Miano sighted that the rates for Maasai Mara had not been increased for the last 15 years despite the cost of managing the parks and many other costs going up.
She highlighted that if approved and assumes office she will make informed decisions in executing her mandate as a Tourism CS and that an engagement with stakeholders recommended that there should be a review of the rates applicable to raise enough finances to manage and improve the National Reserve.
She further added that there no empirical data showing tourists have shifted to sites beyond Kenya, and what needed to be done was diversifying the origin of our guests.
rShe called for the need to attract new markets like the Middle East and Japan to spur our tourism and package the country as a product to be consumed and sold all over the world.