This is the type of man you should submit to

A recent conversation with content creator Sharon K Mwangi has got Joyce Omondi revealing her stand on being submissive as a woman in a relationship.

The two ladies shared their views on the Best Kept Secrets channel, where Sharon admitted she’s looking forward to being submissive.

The content creator previously had trouble with the thought.

“I personally at some point I was just like aie,” expressing frustration, “I don’t know. I don’t know about submission guys.”

Joyce pointed out the problem,

“But it’s because of your understanding of submission, coz maybe that’s part of it too,” Joyce informed her.

“Yes my understanding of submission then was presented to me growing up and the things I would see the things I would hear, until I started to do my own research what does submission actually mean in the biblical context and all of these things?

Now I’m not super opposed to it. Actually, I’m looking forward to submitting …just not to a man that …” added Sharon.

“You need to submit to the right man,” Joyce advised her.

Joyce weighed in about whether she submits by saying,

“Growing up you hear the word submission, you are like, ‘Argh, like what is this?!’ But as we mature and as we take…someone once told me the things about God it’s not really about emotion.

It’s not about feeling it’s not about how you feel, like God, I don’t feel like submitting, it’s not about that, it’s about saying God what is your word saying how do I honour you by what your word is saying?”

Joyce who leads a women’s ministry called Epic Women added,

“So again I think the whole idea of submission in many ways has also been misused, really misrepresented, I think there are people who do certain things then call it submission, or men who use that term almost manipulatively against women and then say …I don’t agree with that.

Because even when you read the Bible it said very often that even before it talks about women’s submitting to their husbands, it talks about submitting to one another.”

The TV personality continued to say,

“So it’s an expectation on both, and the way that the women submit……you know the way you read that section for men. I feel like kazi kwa the guys coz …love your wife like Christ loved the Church…that is a tall order.”

Joyce is married to BBC journalist Waihiga Mwaura who she calls ‘the one He kept for me’.

“But I think submission honestly comes easy when you are submitting to the right person, and for me, that’s why I see everything through the lens of faith.

I want to understand this person that I am dating who have they submitted to. Who is their authority Because when things get thick between us, can I trust that his value system is one that I can agree with?

I think it’s a privilege for me to be led. I want a strong man, I have no qualms with that. I want a strong person. I need to be able to trust you with my life. Because when I get into this thing it’s until death do us part. I’m not trying to have an exit clause.”