Team appointed to audit COTU security guards’ remittances for past 3ys » Capital News
NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 22 – The Private Security Regulatory Authority(PSRA) boss Fazul Mohamed has appointed a team to audit the Central Organization of Trade Union (COTU) security guards remittances for the past three years.
In a letter, directed to all the managing directors of private security companies, Fazul directed companies to submit private security Officers’ trade Union fees deductions and remittances made to the Union in the last 36 months and all the financial correspondences between the companies and COTU regarding deductions and remittances of trade union fees.
Fazul stressed that COTU has neglected its responsibility to advocate for the rights of private security guards in the country, despite the Union deducting trade Union fees from from the guards.
“For years, the Private security companies have consistently deducted trade Union fees from Private security guards and subsequently emitted the said contribution to COTU,” he stated.
“Notwithstanding their significant financial contribution, COTU, has not lived to its mandate and has persistently disregarded, declined , and/or neglected to advocate for the rights, advocate for compliance with minimum wage wage, and promote the general welfare,” he added
Fazul has urged the companies to present the documents within the next three days to the team lead auditors Phillip Okello and Clinton Ingulula for failure to which they will face a statutory review of its registration and licensing status.
The security companies have further been directed to immediately stop deducting and remitting private security officers’ trade Union fees until the investigations are complete.
“Therefore pending the conclusion of the investigations, you are under strict regulatory instructions to to immediately stop deducting and remitting private security officers trade Union fees to COTU,” he stated.