Shorn Arwa Reacts to Nurse Judy Standing by Her Struggling Hubby Before Riches and Fame

Nurse Judy recently opened up about her financial struggles with her husband before they both achieved success.

“I’m glad I was patient with my husband,” she shared on her Instagram. “I watched him grow from earning a salary of KSh 35,000 to a comfortable six-figure income. Now, we are enjoying life together in one of the wealthiest suburbs.”

Judy reflected on the early days of their marriage, living in a small apartment, driving a modest car, and surviving on a humble salary before better opportunities came their way.

At the time, her husband was paying rent with his KSh35,000 salary, while also giving her an allowance, as she was a housewife.

“So that was the phase where life started to take off, marking the end of our financial struggles,” she wrote, sharing a series of photos to highlight their journey.

Meanwhile, over the weekend, digital content creator Shorn Arwa attended a forum for Buy Simu, where she was interviewed by Presenter Ali on the topic of women persevering with a man who is financially struggling until he makes it.

Arwa offered her candid thoughts, saying, “That’s their business. The real question is, where did you meet him? If you met when he was struggling, then persevere. But I’m not comparing. I met my man in Dubai. How are we supposed to persevere together?”

Arwa stressed that it’s important for couples to have open conversations about these matters. “If I met him when we were both struggling, then we would work through it together. But honestly, that’s Nurse Judy’s story. She was patient, and sometimes in life, you can persevere with someone and they turn out to be great. Other times, you persevere, and he finds someone else who’s his type.”