Rev Lucy Natasha- I got my first tattoo in High School

Flamboyant senior pastor Rev Lucy Natasha has advised that the true significance of tattoos lies beyond their physical appearance.

Her tattoos ignited online debate when Kenyans first saw the oracle tattoo on her arm while receiving Covid 19 vaccine.

Rev Lucy clapped back at her accusers for having double standards where they adored DMXs death who had his body covered with tattoos while on the other hand they are rebuking her for the same deed.

On an interview with Dr Ofweneke she revealed she got her first tattoo of a star after high school.

“I got my first tattoo after finishing high school. The tattoo is of a star which means I am  a shinning star which was inspired by thinking of being a star.” she said

The most popular tattoo on her arm which almost everyone knows of, Oracle means a woman of prophecy.

She had the tattoo to remind her of her journey after being called by God to be the voice to the people.

She points out that God looks at the heart and not at the skin, highlighting the idea that what truly matters is the motive behind the tattoo if it is clear and inspiring then it should not considered evil or unclean. 

Rev Lucy urged people to read the whole chapter of the book Leviticus to have the correct concept as the book was referring to the period when people were worshiping false gods like Baal where they cut themselves as a form of worship.

“I don’t know why a lot people make biblical references to the book of Leviticus chapter 19 and pick out one scriptures from the whole book which state some other rules which people ignore like don’t cut your beard on the side and do not wear clothes that are not made from the same material.”

She concluded by saying God has inscribed people at the palm of his arm.