Qualifications Authority, IRA feted for wage bill accountability » Capital News
NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 17 — The Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) was among three government agencies that were awarded by President William Ruto with Wage Bill Accountability Award.
The Authority emerged as first runners-up after the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) and Unclaimed Asset Authority which secured third place.
The Authority led by former Baringo Governor Stanley Kiptis and acting Director General Dr Alice Kande outshined more than 300 government agencies.
KNQA maintained parameters set by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) attaining the distinction during the Commission’s third national wage bill conference at the Bomas of Kenya on Wednesday.
The Authority’s wage bill has not been more than 35 percent wage bill to revenue ratio for three years consecutive years.
SRC also cited a demonstrated improvement in the reduction of the wage bill, attainment of unqualified audit opinions for three years consecutive from the Auditor General, and adoption of productivity mainstreaming measures.
Dr Kande received the award on behalf of the Authority.
Worthy example
In his remarks, President Ruto commended institutions for having won the wage bill accountability awards for setting a worthy example for the rest of our public sector.
“This is the way to go, and you have demonstrated that it is feasible. Congratulations, and keep it up, “said President Ruto.
The President added that he identify himself with the proposed strategic interventions aimed at putting Kenya on the path of public service wage bill sustainability under the
“Towards 35%” aspiration set out in the conference’s theme.
“Let us collaborate and remain committed to implementation because that is where the test is. We cannot fail if we work together in a spirit of patriotism, partnership and teamwork. The government remains committed, available and determined to support every institution in implementing these resolutions,” said the President.
KNQA acting Director General praised the KNQA team for the job well done.
“I am proud of the KNQA Council, management and Staff for having done their best leading us to win this crucial award which we have received from His Excellency the President Hon. William Ruto, and we will do more,” added Dr Kande.