Professor Jay excites fans after sharing recovery photo
Professor Jay has updated his Instagram page with new current photos.
He last shared footage of himself in December last year, weeks after leaving the hospital.
The photos show a happy, healthy rapper as he hinted to fans that he was dropping new music projects.
“Asante sana Mungu kwa Zawadi ya uzima, na kunilinda siku zote za Maisha yangu, Nipo kamiligado tayari kwa Mapambano,” he wrote on Instagram
(Thank you very much God for the gift of life, and for protecting me all the days of my life, I am fully prepared for the struggle)
The ‘Zali La Mentali’ hitmaker shared the photo just days after he shut down fake news of his death. He said he has taken legal action to know where the fake news originated from.
Last year, the rapper cum politician revealed that he was suffering from liver-related issues which got him into the ICU for 127 days.
“Ingawa magonjwa ni mawaidha watu wanasema , lakini watu wanakufa sana, kwa mimi niliyekaa ICU siku 127, unajua kule ICU watu hali zao mbaya sana, kujikuta ICU na una- survive siku 127 sio mchezo” he said in a past interview
(People die in the ICU, for me who has stayed in the ICU for 127 days in a critical condition and to survive the 127 days in there is not a joke)