President Ruto condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

President William Ruto with his Ukraine counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky during the Ukraine Peace summit in Switzerland

President William Ruto has joined world leaders in condemning Russia for invading Ukraine. 

Addressing the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland, the President termed Russia’s aggression against Ukraine as unlawful, unjust and against the international law.

The Head of State spoke when he joined other world leaders for the inaugural Summit on Peace in Ukraine. Ruto said it is time for parties to the conflict to demonstrate good faith, abandon unyielding attitudes and soften their positions for lasting peace to be realised.

He now wants the globe to embark on a collective effort to resolve the war.

President Ruto regretted that the war has had a devastating impact across the world, including Africa.

But even as the world focuses on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, President Ruto is calling on the international community to pay attention to the forgotten wars tearing apart Africa’s social fabric.

At least 16 different conflicts are raging in Africa and as the situation escalates, food insecurity intensifies in the affected countries.