President Ruto arrives in Guinea Bissau

President William Ruto Thursday evening left Ghana for Guinea Bissau.

He will hold bilateral talks with his host, President Umaro Mokhtar Sissoco Embalo, to strengthen ties between the two nations.

Channel 1

The two leaders will also explore new avenues for cooperation with Lusophone Africa under the Africa Continental Free Trade Area.

This includes strengthening private sector participation in agriculture, manufacturing, and technology transfer, among other sectors.

Ruto flew out to Ghana Tuesday afternoon where he held several engagements to boost diplomatic, trade cooperation, and historical ties between Kenya and the West African nation.

While in Ghana, the Kenyan leader was awarded the country’s highest honour, The Companion of the Order of the Star of the Volta.

Conferring the honour at a State banquet on Wednesday evening, President Nana Akufo-Addo said President Ruto was an “example of a new generation of African leaders” who have decided to insist on the application of principles of accountability and due process to all citizens no matter their status in society”.

“Under your leadership,” President Akufo-Addo said, “Kenya has become a shining example of a nation governed by the rule of law.”

He said under President Ruto’s leadership, Kenya has regained its place of pride at the international stage.

President Akufo-Addo cited declining inflation, growth in start-ups and the number of Kenyans set to have access to housing and health insurance.

The visit culminated in the signing of seven MOUs.
