PPB appointed to lead first continental medicines registration forum
The Pharmacy and Poisons Board has been appointed to chair the First Continental Heads of Medicines Registration and Marketing Authorization Forum by the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD’s African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH).
The newly appointed leadership includes Dr. Kariuki Gachoki from the Kenya Pharmacy and Poisons Board as the Chairperson, Dr. Chantel Noufionso from Benin as Vice Chairperson, and Senegal’s Mbagnick Diof, Nazalia Macuwele from Mozambique, and Bathusi Kgosietsile from Botswana serving as Rapporteurs.

The leadership panel was elected during the historic Continental Forum for Heads of Registration and Marketing Authorization convened on April 11, 2024, in Nairobi, Kenya.
This forum will play a crucial role in facilitating the implementation of scientific recommendations put forth by the Evaluation of Medicinal Products Technical Committee (EMP-TC) for human medicinal products at the continental level.
Dr. Gachoki, who is the Deputy Director of the Department of Product Evaluation and Registration at PPB, accepted his appointment and expressed gratitude, pledging to prioritize the well-being of African citizens and acknowledging the importance of listening to forum members’ contributions.
This leadership team will facilitate the adoption and translation of continental scientific recommendations into national registration and marketing authorization processes.
The forum aims to foster collaboration among National Regulatory Authorities, promote information exchange, and advocate for continental recommendations to enhance Africa’s regulatory framework efficiency.
Streamlining medicinal product approval processes will contribute to the efficiency and functionality of the African regulatory system.