PCS Mudavadi decries slow delivery of services to Kenyans
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has decried the slow delivery of public services to Kenyans.
Mudavadi said silo-mentality, self turfs, lethargy and inefficiency is still evident in the management of public affairs, which is slowing down and impeding delivery of key services to Kenyans.

“There will be a paradigm shift in the management of public affairs and we have to adopt the trajectory that will be driven by the Whole of Government Approach characterized by customer oriented high performing teams on set targets, excellence and professionalism,” he told Principal Secretaries and Members of the National Development Implementation Committee.
Mudavadi was speaking when he chaired the National Development Implementation Committee (NDIC) meeting of 2024 at the Railways Headquarters Offices.
He reminded the PSs of the deliverables agreed upon during the inaugural NDIC meeting that was held in March last year at the Kenya School of Government, decrying that one year down the line, the results have not shown steady progressive growth.
“President Ruto has severally reminded us to protect public resources with zeal to be able to actualize the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). Again, the President raised the issue during the last Cabinet Retreat in Naivasha, where we were all in attendance,” he cautioned.
Adding; “We have not been overzealous in protection of public resources. Duplications and overlaps in some of our MDAs and State Agencies is shocking. As a result, the President has directed the consolidation process of State Agencies to commence to stop duplicity of functions and wastages.”
Mudavadi said the government is keen to ensure timely and effective delivery of government projects pointing out that the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary will remain to be the focal point for coordination of Government operations.
“The National Government Coordination Secretariat (NGCS) under the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary has the overarching mandate of Coordination and Oversight and NGCS has already undertaken a range of initiatives including holding several collaboration meetings with the National Government Administration Organization through the Ministry of Interior and Administration of Government, developing a draft Coordination, Oversight, Supervision and Management Framework and developing an outline of a list of Priority Projects, Programmes and Policies for Coordination and Oversighting,” pointed out Mudavadi.
The Prime CS told the NDIC that a comprehensive report on the above engagements will be out in a couple of weeks and ready for presentation in the next sitting of the NDIC this year.