Outrage as journalists denied access to Parliament despite Speaker Wetangula’s assurances » Capital News
NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 17 – Despite assurances by the Parliament Service Commission Chair Moses Wetangula that journalists will have unfettered access to Parliament precincts has now emerged that’s far from the truth.
Since the invasion of Parliament during the anti-finance bill protests on June 26 journalist have not bee granted access.
For weeks, it was understood that Parliament was undergoing renovations following the invasion that had caused destruction of property as the rowdy youth meted their anger on critical properties.
Rumors had emerged that PSC was mulling banning certain journalist from covering Parliament over their coverage of the invasion of the bicarmel house with some quarters asserting that Media had betrayed them when it mattered.
Speaker Wetangula however communicated in a meeting held between Media Council of Kenya, the Kenya Union of journalists and the Kenya Parliamentary Journalists Association that no journalist had been denied entry.
But as he gave the assurance, several journalists who wanted entry to Parliament to cover critical committees on Supplementary Budget I estimates were kept waiting for hours outside the gate.
Few hours later, the Media Relation Officers who are designated to coordinate the media for coverage of the house committees and plenary would communicate that media were not allowed.
“Am sorry guys, sorry for the earlier communication but the parliament precincts are still not open to the media,” on the media relation officer stated.
Shockingly, details emerged that the media center which was built by DANIDA foundation and has stationed parliamentary journalist since Speaker Kenneth Marende era has now been turned to a store.
The Speaker acknowledged that the media centre had been turned to a store offering an alternative room for journalist adjacent to the red-cross building.
The stationing of the media center within the Parliament precincts actually a few meters from the chambers of both houses has been strategic over the years to give the media conducive working environment.
“The structure that was being used as media center has been converted into a store to allow insurance to come and value the destruction that occurred during the demonstrations, there was no bigger room to accommodate the destroyed items,” Wetangula said.
The move has raised eyebrows on why a media center which houses the 4th estate can turned to be a store with suspicions emerging on why the PSC settled on that space as no timelines were given when the room will be free.
Instead, Speaker Wetangula assured that an ultra-modern media center within parliament square will be constructed for the media but previously assurance have been given with no implementation.
“The parliamentary service commission through my stewardship has committed to establishing an ultra-modern media center within parliament square to help facilitate parliamentary reporters to effectively deliver their mandate.” He said.
The chairperson of the Kenya Parliamentary journalist’s association Duncan Khaemba insisted that his association is working earnestly to ensure the gains of the constitution are not drawn back following parliament invasion.
“Parliamentary Journalists play a critical role of informing and educating the country on all activities that Parliament as arm an arm of government undertakes which have different impacts on the society, as KPJA we are aware of this huge responsibility and duty we have for the nation and we will not drop our guard,” he said.
KPJA Deputy Secretary General Edwin Obuya opined that there’s need for caution as Parliament might use the situation to curtail the media freedom.
“We are suspicious that PSC is only using the demos as an excuse to lock out journalists, it’s strange that the only room that could be used as a store is a media center,”Obuya said.
Parliamentary Journalist have raised concerns on the good working relationship between them and PSC questioning why media center has conveniently turned to a store following the invasion of the house.
“This decision by PSC to relegate the media to the periphery of Parliament and deny them access to the precincts is not only misguided but a violation of media freedom. It’s also very telling that the existing media center has now been turned into a store,” said Josephat Thiongo (Standard Journalist).
Nation Newspaper writer Samwel Owino, “It’s unfortunate that out of all places that parliament has, it has chosen media center as its store.”