Nyako pays tribute in classy way to Brian Chira ahead of burial

Brian Chira, a popular TikToker, will be laid to rest today at his family’s residence in Gathanje, Ingitei village, located in Githunguri, Kiambu County.

As condolences pour in from across the internet, TikToker Rose Atieno alias Nyako was not left behind in paying her last respects to the late content creator.

Nyako held a live session to pay tribute to Chira. Donned in a black suit, she lit a candle and released balloons in honor of Chira.

Amos and Josh’s hit song “Baadaye” played softly in the background. Nyako, who once shared a close bond with Chira, expressed her emotions during the live session.

“I’m paying my last respect to Brian Chira, that’s why I am in a suit. Chira wanted a suit, that’s why I put it on.”

Friends and followers joined the live session to mourn together, Nyako played Otile Brown’s song ‘One Call’, which was reportedly Chira’s favorite song.

Chira’s send-off

Despite the early morning rain, fans gathered at Kenyatta University Funeral Home on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, to pay their respects to the late TikToker Brian Chira.

Early in the morning family, friends, and fans of the late Chira arrived at the Kenyatta Funeral Home to view his body where they gave their last goodbyes to the fallen TikToker.

Fans were told that they would not get an opportunity to view Chira’s body once it was out of the morgue as per Kikuyu traditions – body viewing does not happen at the burial site.

While viewing his body, they were given strict instructions not to film his body lying in the casket. Police officers ordered fans lined up to view the body to put their phones away. 

MC Chris, a viral TikToker had earlier asked fans not to film Chira’s body as it was his family’s wish that his images not get shared online.

After the body viewing Mourner faced unexpected delays due to today’s heavy traffic congestion gripped rods leading to his burial site in Githunguri, Kiambu county.

The traffic stemmed from the earlier gathering at the Kenyatta University funeral home where hundreds had assembled to offer their last respects.

Despite the traffic challenge mourners remained resilient in their determination to send off Chira. The procession still managed to clock its destination.