NPSC shortlists 8 for two Deputy Inspector General slots

The National Police Service Commission (NPSC) has shortlisted eight candidates for the positions of Deputy Inspector General Kenya Police Service (DIG-KPS) and Deputy Inspector General of Administration Police Service (DIG-APS).
In a statement Friday, NPSC Chief Executive Officer Peter Leley said those shortlisted for the position of DIG-KPS are George Sedah, Eliud Lagat, Tom Odero and Dr. Vincent Makokha.
At the same time, the Commission has shortlisted Gilbert Masengeli, Margaret Karanja, James Kamau and Dr. Masoud Mwinyi for the post of DIG-APS.
Leley said interviews for those shortlisted candidates will take place on Monday, July 22, 2024 from 9:30 am at the Kenya School of Government, Lower Kabete Campus in Nairobi.
Members of the public have been urged to submit any information relating to the shortlisted candidates through written memoranda to the Commission’s chairperson CBK pension towers or online through digrecruitment@npsc.co.ke on or before Monday next week at 8.00 am.
The positions fell vacant last week on Friday following the appointment of former DIG, Kenya Police Service Douglas Kanja as acting Inspector General of Police and redeployment of former DIG Administration Police Service Noor Gabow to the public service.
NPS received 38 applications for the advertised positions.
Below is the interview schedule