NGAAF-led initiative donates 70 wheelchairs, tricycles in Kisii » Capital News
KISII, Kenya, May 21 — Persons with disabilities in Kisii have received additional mobility assistive devices funded under the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF).
The NGAAF-led initiative under the patronage of Kisii Woman Representative Doris Aburi provided seventy wheelchairs and tricycles for PWDs in Bonchari.
She committed additional support through the help of strategic partners.
“My office is working closely with partners, and community structures to support needy cases throughout the region,” Aburi said during a handover event on Monday.
She noted that NGAAF is keen to offer solutions and resources to empower individuals and communities with the tools and opportunities necessary to achieve financial independence.
Aburi said the initiative will reach all the forty-seven wards in Kisii county.
The Woman Representative undertook to empower communities through income-generating activities in partnership with NGAAF and other collaborators.
The initiative will particularly focus on PWDs and those at risk.
This initiative particularly focuses on supporting persons living with disabilities and those at risk.
Aburi urged parents holding children with disability to break the stigmatization chain.
She called for registration of unregistered PWDs to support planning.
“I appeal to the community to raise the alarm if they see parents hiding affected children. We will come, pick up the child, examine him, and provide them with the equipment he needs,” she added.