New environment and ecology laws submitted for review
The compilation of an environment and ecology code is being steadily advanced so that it can be submitted for review by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, within this year, an official said on Friday.
Yang Heqing, spokesman for the NPC Standing Committee’s Legislative Affairs Commission, told a news conference that codifying laws related to environment and ecology protection.
He remarked while introducing developments of this year’s legislation plan.
If the code is passed, it will become China’s second piece of legislation to be given that title. The Civil Code, a fundamental law to regulate civil activities that was adopted by the NPC in May 2020, was the first law named “code” since the founding of New China in 1949. It took effect in January 2021.
In addition to formulating the environment and ecology code, Yang said that the NPC Standing Committee will focus more on making or amending laws regarding the economy, foreign affairs and national security this year.
For example, legislators have planned to formulate laws on financial stability, value-added tax, energy and tariffs, with revisions to laws on enterprise bankruptcy, cybersecurity and anti-money laundering, according to him.
He revealed that the NPC Standing Committee will review draft laws on tariffs, energy and atomic energy as well as a draft revision to the law on anti-money laundering in its upcoming session, which is scheduled to be held in Beijing from Tuesday to Friday.
During the session, lawmakers will also review a draft law on academic degree, with discussion on draft revisions to laws on national defense education, accounting and statistics, he added.
Furthermore, bills concerning two treaties on judicial assistance in criminal affairs between China and Mauritius and between China and Nepal, as well as two extradition treaties respectively between China and Senegal, and between China and Greece, are scheduled to be on the table at the session.
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