Natural achia misitu, Wear makeup and dress well

City preacher Pastor Victor Kanyari is encouraging young ladies to enjoy their youthfulness and, enjoy dressing up as well as wearing makeup for as long as they can.

Kanyari also asked parents to allow their kids to live their best life and look good arguing that God himself does not like people who are not well kept and don’t take care of themselves. The pastor went on to note that there is nothing wrong with wearing makeup.

“Natural achia misitu na wanyama! Wewe jipondoe na ujipondoe vizuri (being natural should be left for the forest and animals only.

You go out there and make yourself look pretty, wear your makeup and wear it nicely),” started off the the city preacher. 

He went on to add that people should dress their age and there is no reason whatsoever as to why young people should be discouraged from dressing nicely. Kanyari said people should take care of themselves from head to toe, get cute hairstyles and nice shaves and feel good about themselves while young as their parents lives their lives in the same fashion when they were the same age as them.

“Kuwa na tumakeup na ujitengeneze vizuru, tengeneza nywele yako vizuri, valia tuviatu twa kupanda juu. Mungu hapendi watu wanakaa kama farasi. Mungu anapenda watu wasafi na warembo.

To the parents watching me, please parents stop making your kids wear baggy ugly clothes meant for the older generation. They are not old, let the enjoy their youthfulness, this is their time! Wamama wavae nguo za wamama na wasichana waruhusiwe kuvaa nguo za wasichana,” Pastor Kanyari heavily added.

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