Nairobi detectives bust fuel theft syndicate in night operation » Capital News
NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 13 — Detectives in Nairobi have apprehended 41 suspects linked to a fuel adulteration syndicate as the government steps up the fight against clandestine operations in the energy sector.
The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) said Friday its agents caught the suspects in the act during an operation conducted behind the Shell Petrol Station off Lunga Lunga Road.
The agents recovered five petrol tankers, four generators, 30 drums, siphoning pipes, and jerrycans from the scene following the night operation.
“The DCI Crime Scene Investigators and the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) officials documented the scene,” the agency said.
The Operation Support Unit team recently deployed to tackle the vice surrounded the site and rounded up the suspects in an intelligence-led operation.
Further investigations uncovered two petroleum tankers laden with illicitly acquired petroleum products, along with a vehicle carrying 50 litres of petrol in a jarrican.
A paper trail of documents in one of the trailers gave the destination of the fuel, obtained from Shell’s Lunga Lunga depot, as a Shell outlet in New Gatitu, Thika.
Police placed the suspects in custody pending arraignment in court on Monday, April 15.