My first job was hawking sim-cards: Diana Marua
Digital content creator and uprising musician turned TV co-host Diana B has never been shy when it comes to sharing stories from her past, no matter how cringe or embarrassing they might be.
In her latest revelation, the mother of 4 recounted how she and her then-boyfriend used to hawk sim cards in the streets. Noting that was her very first job.
“My first job nilikua nafanya kazi ya kuuza line za YU na chali yangu then,” started the YouTuber.
The job was no small feat and back then Diana was a shy girl, far from the vivacious woman we know today.
Walking down memory lane Diana added,
“Tulikua tunaamka 4:30 am tunapatana 5 am juu tulikua tunaishi same place. Tulikua tunapewa lines na target na sikua na confidence ya kuongea,”
Luckily for her, her ex-boyfriend was supportive. Despite having his target he’d actively help out young Diana as he knew she was struggling.
“Huyo Chali alikua ananipenda so alikua ananisaidia kuuza. The hustle was real!” The now mother of 4 stated.
After being done with hawking sim cards Diana B went on to work as an M-Pesa where lady luck shone on her.
“Job ya pili nilifanya kama Mpesa agent and that’s where my life change. That is where I got an office job from,” the aspiring musician shared.
On a random Sunday a guy came by to access the store’s services, while there he offered her his business card urging Diana to send her CV which she never had because she’d dropped out of school and had no experience in office jobs.
However, that didn’t deter her.
“On a Sunday nimekaa nasoma tu gazeti then a guy comes alafu anasema anataka kuwithdraw some cash so akaniangalia ni kama alikua anatafuta mtu wa ofisi.
So he gave me his business card akaniambia nitume CV and I didn’t have any so I used my boyfriend alikua mwingine wa IT.
Akanitengenezea nikatuma and I was called for an interview na salary ikakua ni 15k. I was so happy juu huko kwingine nilikua napata 9k,” Diana stated. Maintaining that’s how her life changed for the better and she learned to hustle harder than before.