Mwangaza, Achani polled as top performers in roads, water sectors » Capital News
NAIROBI, Kenya, Sept 2 – Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza and her Kwale counterpart Fatuma Achani have been ranked among top performing governors in modernization of markets, water and road sectors in recent Timely Kenya polls projecting 76 percent support for female governors under the umbrella of G7.
According to the study that focused on county governance and development since devolution, 76 percent of 14,065 respondents surveyed in all the 47 counties indicated they would vote for female governors in the G7 counties in the 2027upcoming elections, while 20 percent of those surveyed opposed the decision.
“In the G7 counties 76 percent stated yes while 20 percent said no on the question of whether they would elect a woman governor in the next election,” the report stated.
Two percent of the respondents, on the other hand, said they were unsure on the decision of electing female candidates as governors in the G7 counties.
The pollster ranked both Kwale governor Fatuma Achani and Gladys Wanga(Homabay) top performing in the modernization of markets across their counties while troubled Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza topped in the Roads sector.
The Embattled Meru governor was ranked best performing governor in the sector together with governors Fernandez Barasa(Kakamega),Gladys Wanga(Homabay),Irungu Kang’ata (Murang’a) and Johnson Sakaja(Nairobi).
“The top performers in roads are Kawira Mwangaza(Meru),Fernandez Barasa(Kakamega),Gladys Wanga(Homabay),Irungu Kang’ata (Murang’a) and Johnson Sakaja(Nairobi) ,” the report revealed.
Kwale governor Fatuma Achani and Wavinja Ndeti(Machakos) in the G7 counties were also ranked top performing governors in the Water sector together with Narok governor Patrick Ntutu,Andrew Mwandime(Narok) and Hillary Barchok (Bomet).
The survey also rated governors Irungu Kanga’ta(Murang’a) ,Fatuma Achani (Kwale),George Natembeya (Trans Nzoia)and Gladys Wanga(Homabay) among top 10 best performing governors across the country.
The four governors were ranked among the top 10 performing governors in notable flagship projects commenced during their two years of serving the people since they assumed office after the 2022 general election particularly in the health sector.