Mwalimu Rachel shares horrifying waxing experience
Radio presenter Mwalimu Racheal has shared her not-so-pleasant experience with waxing.
Waxing is the removal of overgrown or unwanted hairs in different body parts among them the pubic area, armpits, legs, etc..
Sharing her experience with Exclusive, the mother of one said the experience left a bitter taste in her mouth.
“I have tried waxing numerous times.
My first waxing experience was a year and a half ago.I was convinced because I would see people saying ‘ Ohh I went to this waxing lady of mine and she did such a good job.
I decided to go as I was now a big girl. What they do not tell you is the pain you will suffer.”
Racheal tried consoling herself to no avail
“The first time I thought I experienced pain because I was new to this but the second and the third time were the same.
Every time I thought of going for waxing, I would get ‘heart attacks’.
I was thinking of the pain I was going to endure.”