More than Sh6 M raised in minutes for Moi’s grandson battling cancer

A medical fundraiser for The late President Moi’s 14-year-old grandson Kalya Gift has managed to raise almost Sh7 Million in less than 15 minutes.

The event was held to raise cash for the young boy who has been battling cancer.

“It has been a very traumatizing time for me as a mother knowing that I need to take him for treatment but I cannot do so financially. As a mother, I cannot sit like that and let him go like that.”

Healing is a process and even morning his dad am not done, knowing his dad passed away because of pancreatic cancer has been very heavy on me.

Am all he has. I want to thank you for responded to the call. God will do his part. thank you for coming through for us. This will go down for long. He is going through therapy. He was trying to ask when we are going to India.”

Kapseret Member of Parliament Oscar Sudi who was presiding over the event took to his socials to share photos from the event.

“Presiding over fundraiser to aid medical treatment of Kalya Gift Moi. Gift is a 14 year old grandson to the Late Former President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi. He is battling cancer and is set to undergo treatment in India. May God’s healing be his portion.”

The event was held at St Paul’s Cathedral. A poster had earlier been shared sharing details of how anyone contributing can do so below;