LSK wants Linturi to act on substandard fertilizer scam » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 22 – The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) says it will institute a class action lawsuit against the government within two weeks if it fails to compensate farmers affected by the fake fertiliser scandal.

A class-action lawsuit is a civil lawsuit brought on behalf of a group of people or business entities who have suffered common injuries as a result of the defendants’ conduct, with at least one individual or entity acting as a representative of that group.

LSK wants Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi, the National Cereals and Produce Board, the Kenya Bureau of Standards and any other government official involved in the distribution of counterfeit fertiliser held liable.

“Should the Ministry fail to put in place the recommended and other necessary measures by lapse of our demand period, we will take necessary against all parties involved and bestowed with authority in the matter,” LSK President Faith Odhiambo stated.

In an effort to hold the government accountable, Odhiambo urged farmers countrywide to register their complaints about the fake fertiliser in its regional offices.

LSK plans to use the details provided by the farmers to file a class action lawsuit against the government on their behalf.

The advocates further want farmers who bought fake fertilizer will be compensated with top dressing to help address nutrient deficiencies in their farms.

S|he stated that farmers have incurred losses due to “substantial breaches of duty, acts of incompetence, and allegations of fraud and corruption.”

“Should the Ministry fail to put in place the recommended and other necessary measures by lapse of our demand period, we will take necessary against all parties involved and bestowed with authority in the matter,” she stated.

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The society called out Linturi for his inaction and misuse of power towards the matter and condemned his decision to engage in public squabbles with journalists that brought this vice into light.

“When not attacking journalists, the CS has resorted to shock and awe tactics, storming into manufacturing plants and purporting to revoke licenses, all without conducting proper investigations or providing any clear policy decisions from the Ministry on the matter,” she pointed out.

In addition to this, the CS has been ordered to compensate the affected farmers and implement recommendations given to him by LSK.

According to LSK, if Linturi does not adhere to their demand, “we will petition Parliament to call for immediate removal of Mr.Linthuri from the office of Cabinet Secretary by dint of Article 152(6) of the constitution on grounds of gross misconduct, violation of the constitution, and incompetence to hold public office.”

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