Larry Madowo defends Kenya flooding coverage after criticism

CNN African journalist Larry Madowo has come under heavy criticism from a section of Kenyans for his coverage of the flooding situation in Kenya.

The country has been ravaged by floods with about 12 people declared dead, scores left homeless.

Flood victims are narrating their experience to international media among them CNN’s Larry Madowo.

Larry addressed the concerns expressed by Kenyans repeating a 2023 post on his Twitter account where he had written 

“My job is to cover Africa accurately, not positively.”

In 2023, he told about the narrative of Africa he envisions on CNN.

“My job is to cover Africa accurately, not positively. Many people conflate two ideas about Africa because the continent has been reported on poorly in the Western press for so long. I make sure that every story I do portrays us as three-dimensional human beings.”

Further to that statement was his opinion that

 “We are more than just disease, drought, and war. We have accomplishments, art, beauty, joy, and innovation. My reporting should reflect that” he shared.

Additionally, he was speaking as the International Correspondent and host of African voices changemakers at CNN.

Following widespread criticism, Larry on Thursday, April weighed in again 

“Na nilikuwa nimewawuon!

Larry has been reporting the on-ground situation in Mabatini, Mathare where residents told CNN that there hasn’t been any help forthcoming from the Government since being displaced.

Flood-affected residents told CNN of their struggles after the bad weather, with Larry digging in “Mnataka tu nchi ikae poa kwa wazungu, hamjali maisha ya maskini” he queried.

A heavy rainfall advisory has been issued by the Kenya Metrological Department from April 25 to 28 April.

Residents in affected areas have been advised to be on the lookout for potential flash floods, and poor visibility.

Water levels are expected to remain high.Â