Lamu East Resident petition Parliament to help in community land return » Capital News
NAIROBI, Kenya Apr 30- Lamu East residents have petitioned Parliament over the 39,927 hectares that they claimed was irregularly possessed by the government.
In the petition, the residents claimed the land in Boni Lungi area between Dodori and Boni National Reserves was gazzeted as a state forest.
The Lamu East residents led by the area MP Ruweidha Mohammed have petitioned the House to have the land returned back to the locals and declared a community land.
MP Mohammed decried that the land in question was home to 480 households who are now squatters.
In 2016, the land was taken over by the Environment Ministry through a gazette notice No. 1447 in the details tabled before members without any public participation as is required.
“The gazettment was done without consulting the people and the leaders of the affected region, contrary to Article 10(2)(a) of the constitution, that provides for public participation in making, implementing public policy and in applying the law,” the petitioners said.
The Lamu East lawmaker urged the bicameral house to ensure the 2016 gazette notice revoked and the residents are given back their land.
“The Committee should recommend that the Cabinet Secretary for Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development is consultation with the county Government of Lamu to facilitate the registration of Boni-Lungi as community land pursuant to Article 63(5) of the Constitution and other applicable laws,” Ruweida said.
Haddijah Hussein, one of the petitioners, said the contested land is actually a community land which has been a source of livelihood for them.
“As locals we have been farming on the land and also depended on the land for collecting fruits, honey plants for traditional medicine and building materials,” she said.
Mohammed Butete, a resident, urged lawmakers to intervene saying they have a right on the land which they deemed as a community land.
“We want justice be done, as a community we have suffered since the land was taken away from us,” added Mohammed Butete.
The petitioners appeared before the Public Petitions Committee chaired by Kitui East MP Nimrod Mbai which is handling the petition.