Kithure Kindiki ranked as the best performing CS

A survey by InfoTrak has ranked Interior CS Kithure Kindiki as the best-performing Cabinet Secretary.

Kindiki scored a B of 60 per cent to emerge top CS  in addressing issues affecting Kenyans.

In the poll, Kindiki was closely followed by his Youth and Sports counterpart Ababu Namwamba who scored a C of 52 per cent.

Aden Duale (Defence) came third with 50 per cent while Owalo and Tuya tied with 49 per cent.

The study said the Interior CS has performed well also  in communication, competency and service delivery.

On Communicating to Kenyans what they are doing, Kindiki also topped with a 61 per cent score.

He is closely followed by CSs Ababu Namwamba and Aden Duale (Defence) both with C scores of 52 per cent and 51 per cent.

On Competency, Kindiki scored 60 per cent rating, while Ababu and Duale scored 52 per cent and 50 per cent respectively.

On the issue of success in improving how things are done in their ministries, Kindiki scored yet again a B of 61 per cent, while CS Ababu scored a C of 52 per cent.

Defence CS Aden Duale and Eliud Owalo (ICT) all scored Cs of 50 per cent.

The survey assessed the performance of various Cabinet Secretaries since their assumption of office in October 2022.

The opinion poll was conducted through computer-assisted telephone interviews. 

The margin error was + or – 2.5 with the degree of confidence being 95 per cent.

The survey achieved a sample of 1700 respondents to represent the universe of adult Kenyans who were 18 years and above at the time of the survey.

The survey which covered all the 47 counties and 8 regions of Kenya as conducted on May 23-29.