Kindiki appeals to Kenyans to express their views respectfully
Deputy President Prof. Kithure Kindiki has urged Kenyans to express their views with decorum at all times.
While acknowledging that every Kenyan has the right to express their opinions freely, he stressed the importance of maintaining respect in discussions, including political debates, particularly when advocating for improved services from the government.
“Wananchi wanayo haki ya kuhimiza serikali kuboresha maendeleo yao. Tunachosema ni kwamba matumizi ya matusi hayasaidii katika kuleta maendeleo,” he said.
“We can have differences of opinion, but let’s express our views with decorum and maturity,” he reiterated.
The Deputy President, who was speaking during the issuance of Title Deeds in Taita Taveta County on Tuesday morning, decried that some individuals had resorted to insults while critiquing leaders and the current administration.
“Huwezi kupata maendeleo kwa kuwatusi watu wengine au viongozi. Tunapaswa kuwa na heshima, na hiyo haimaanishi kwamba hatuwezi kutofautiana na serikali,” he said.
“Wale wenye maoni tofauti wana uhuru wa kuyatoa, lakini wanapaswa kufanya hivyo kwa ustaarabu na heshima. Hii itamfurahisha Mungu na kutufanya tuwe nchi yenye heshima,” he added.
The Deputy President further noted that elected leaders should be given time to fulfil their promises to the electorate. He stated that their performance can be reviewed once their terms have ended to determine their suitability for re-election or otherwise.
“Mambo ya siasa yanapofika, kura inapigwa na Wakenya wanachagua yule wanayempenda. Stori inaishia hapo na tunabaki tukiendelea na kazi zetu. Siasa si vita; tusijenge chuki katika mambo ya siasa,” he said.