Kericho MCA cites ‘unnatural’ sexual behavior in impeachment motion against Governor Mutai » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 24 – Members of the Kericho County Assembly have filed a motion seeking the removal of Governor Erick Mutai from office, citing several ‘serious’ offenses, including accusations of ‘unnatural’ sexual behavior, sexual harassment and abuse of power.

The motion, sponsored by Sigowet Ward MCA Kiprotich Rogony also accuses Governor Mutai of operating with impunity, disregarding the rule of law, and undermining the integrity of his office.

Among the accusations against the County boss is the claim of sexual misconduct, with allegations from female employees that the governor engaged in indecent and abusive behavior, including forcing unconsented acts of a sexual nature.

One victim, whose identity is being protected for her safety, has come forward, and the motion mover plans to request that she be heard in camera during the hearing to protect her dignity.

“There are numerous complaints of Governor’s indecent and unnatural sexual behavior by female partners who accuse the Governor of, for instance, forcing them to unconsent anal sex dangerous and unprotected sex, etc,” read the motion in part.

In addition to the sexual harassment claims, Governor Mutai is accused of leading a mob on his second day in office to invade private property.

The land in question, located within Kericho town and owned by Joseah Kiplangat Kogo, was reportedly seized by the governor, who ordered the demolition of the property’s fence.

The governor then designated the parcel as an illegal dumpsite operated by the county, without obtaining consent from the rightful owner, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), or following proper legal procedures.

The motion argues that the move was in direct defiance of a court order issued by the Environment and Land Court in Kericho under Petition No. E001 of 2022, which had ruled against the use of the land for such purposes.

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“The actions are illegal, contemptuous to the authority and dignity of the court and the rule of law, unethical and demeaning the office the Governor holds as a result of the actions of the governor , the county was condemned to pay the costs,” read the motion.

Further, the motion accuses Governor Mutai of creating a hostile and toxic work environment for county employees.

He is said to have persistently intimidated, harassed, and molested staff members, particularly those who did not align with his political views.

“The Governor has persistently intimidated, molested, harassed county officers who do not sing to his tune leaving officers jittery and creating an atmosphere of fear, uncertainty and despondency in the county and thus creating a toxic work environment,” the motion said.

The motion argues that the governor’s actions violates the provisions of Sections 11 and 13 of the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012.

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