Kenyans call for First Aid training after Stivo Simple Boy’s incident on Citizen TV

Kenyan rapper Stivo Simple Boy has been trending at number one for the better part of Saturday, March 16, 2024, after he allegedly fainted during a live interview on Citizen TV’s show 10 over 10.

The unfortunate incident has elicited mixed reactions among Kenyans – making Stivo a trending topic on X App formerly Twitter.

Many who weighed in on the incident tried hard to analyze the situation to the best of their knowledge.

A section of Netizens observed that there was a bit of laxity when it came to administering first aid services to the rapper who had collapsed abruptly.  

However, others argued that the whole incident was unprecedented and therefore left many who were on the show in panic – not knowing what to do next.

This has now ignited a conversation of emergency preparedness on any given live show or even events in general.

Netizens mentioned that there is a need to equip everyone with knowledge of First Aid so that in case of such an emergency then the victim could be helped easily.