Kenya Declares War on Terrorists and Their Sympathizers » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 6 –The government’s unwavering commitment to combating terrorism remains steadfast, with a particular focus on identifying and neutralizing individuals who support terrorist activities financially.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki, spearheading the efforts through the Counter-Terrorism Financing Inter-Ministerial Committee, affirmed the government’s stance.

“We are actively tracking terrorist sympathizers and collaborators who finance the enemy’s operations through illicit financial flows,” he said Monday after chairing the Counter-Terrorism Financing Inter-Ministerial Committee meeting attended by his Cabinet Colleagues led by Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, Treasury’s Prof Njuguna Ndung’u and others.

The meeting unveiled new measures aimed at countering these threats.

“These collaborators have been adopting new methods to fund terrorist groups, posing a significant challenge,” he noted.

Kindiki stressed the importance of these measures in disrupting the underground economy and thwarting money laundering schemes that bolster terrorism.

“Our renewed efforts align with Kenya’s commitment to international obligations under the Prevention of Terrorism Act and various UN Security Council resolutions,” he stressed..

Kenya has faced numerous security challenges posed by Al Shabaab terrorists who have staged attacks in the capital Nairobi, border towns of Mandera and the coastal region, particularly Lamu and Mombasa.

The attacks were intensified since 2011 when Kenya sent its troops to fight Al Shabaab terrorists inside Somalia.

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