JSC defends Draft Regulations on processing of petitions » Capital News
NAIROBI, Kenya Nov 26- The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has defended the draft regulations on the processing of petitions stating that Law Society of Kenya’s (LSK) feedback was incorporated, and public validation to follow.
According to the comission, the LSK was not locked out of any processes.
Through a press statement, JSC noted that “On the contrary, the LSK has been consistently and actively involved, and the Commission remains committed to engaging all stakeholders honestly and constructively,”
“It is also misleading to suggest that the LSK has been excluded from the development of the Draft JSC (Processing of Petitions and Complaints) Regulations 2024,” read the statement.
JSC confirmed that in July 2023, the LSK was the first stakeholder invited to provide feedback on the draft regulations.
“In December 2023, a joint webinar between the JSC and LSK members was held to collect additional feedback, which was well-attended and most of the comments provided by LSK members during the webinar, including the inclusion of anonymous complaints, were incorporated into the draft regulations,” the statement indicated.
The Directorate of Public Affairs and Corporate Communication further stated “The LSK’s call for greater involvement in the collection, collation, and inquiry of complaints raises questions about the nature of this demand, given that any additional involvement beyond what is already outlined in law would risk breaching the independence of the JSC,”
The JSC acknowledged the importance of the LSK as a critical stakeholder in the administration of justice which is essential in building a more transparent and accountable Judiciary.
“The JSC reaffirms its unwavering commitment to promoting and facilitating the accountability of the Judiciary,” the JSC asserted.
“We assure the public that all petitions and complaints will continue to be handled with the highest level of integrity, impartiality, and adherence to due process,”
“We remain steadfast in upholding our constitutional mandate and strengthening public confidence in the administration of justice,” JSC guaranteed the citizens.
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