JSC approves establishment of Employee Protection Unit » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Mar 27 – The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has approved the establishment of an employee protection unit for victims of sexual harassment within the institution.

According to the commission, they approved the amendment and adopted the recommendations of establishing an employee Protection unit in the office of the chief justice among others.

“Establishment of a Protection Unit in the Office of the Chief Justice aims to develop and safeguard reporting mechanisms for victims of sexual harassment within the institution,” JSC underscored.

In addition, the unit will also offer confidential ways to solve sexual harassment complaints and set prevention standards.

The commission boasts of being the only arm of the government that upholds the two-thirds gender rule.

“The Commission also approved the establishment of a Gender Unit to ensure that the Judiciary remains compliant with the constitutional gender imperative,” the commission noted.

JSC has also approved a Diversity Audit for the judiciary to enhance employee engagement, growth and retention based on data while enforcing a diverse workforce that empower the vulnerable and marginalized.

“This will aide the JSC to improve the number of employees living with disabilities from the current 1% to at least 5%,” the judiciary stated.

In 2021 the commission approved policies targeting the eradication of sexual harassment, promoting gender mainstreaming and fostering affirmative action and diversity within the judiciary,

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“These policies are aimed at creating a safe working environment, ensuring equality of all persons and elimination of all forms of gender-based discrimination in judicial management, administration and service deliver” JSC stated.

On March 26, the Implementation and oversight committee led by lady Justice Njoki Ndung’u briefed JSC of the policies and gaps that had been identified.

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