IG Koome directs police to deal with medics causing chaos

Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome has directed Police Commanders to deal firmly and decisively with doctors engaging in street protests.
IG Koome through a statement Sunday said the move was necessitated in the interest of national security.

While issuing the order, he warned that the medics cannot be allowed to continue being a public nuisance through their demonstrations and disruption of normal businesses.
“In the interest of national security, therefore, all respective Police Commanders have been instructed to deal with such situations firmly and decisively in accordance with the law,” said the Inspector General.
He noted that the medics have continued to engage in demonstrations without notifying the Police contrary to the Constitutional provisions on the right to picket, petition or demonstrate.
The police boss also warned of plans by non-medics to use the demos to cause terror and havoc to the public.
“We have information that non-medics with intention to cause havoc and terror to the public intend to join the ongoing processions, a move that poses a threat to public safety and security,” he added.