‘I messed up’ Prophetess Monicah speaks on turning 40 and being a wife

Laughing she continued

“When you are getting into a relationship, are you ready? I’m talking out of experience, i messed up I did, be ready don’t be under any pressure don’t date because you have turned 30, or 35 because you don’t have peer pressure that your family is telling you to get married, menopause is here, you will get into that relationship, at the end of it, it will break if you are not ready, at some point only God can intervene.”

She spoke about lack of compatibility saying

“If it is not working, it is not working, yes I’ve learned that. I’m telling you for free mtakosana, I’ve come to realize, have your own money”

She has deliberately learned to love unconditionally and forgive fully.”I’ve come to realize this, learn the love language of your partner. “

One lesson she has learned is living her life.

“Be yourself. I have struggled with this, oh what will people say, oh what will happen, church itaisha, watu wataenda ei, be yourself. People’s opinions do not matter in your life. It will only pin you down. People will always be people and mark you people that you fear so much they even don’t know you personally. Be you, do your life. Don’t compete with anyone, compete with yourself if you have to compete, compete with you.” she shared.