How Kenyans marked International Hyena Day

On April 27, the Kenya Wildlife Service joined wildlife enthusiasts worldwide in celebrating World Hyena Day.

Through their official page on X, KWS posted a picture of a hyena and revealed that it is a highly important animal in the wild, urging Kenyans to join them in commemorating this special day for the often misunderstood animal.

“Today is International Hyena Day! Let’s celebrate the crucial role of hyenas in maintaining the ecosystem. By scavenging bones, they clean the environment, prevent the spread of diseases, and promote ecological balance, thus ensuring healthy habitats for all species. What else do you know about hyenas?” KWS asked on X.

Kenyans, in their humorous nature, flooded the comments section with funny remarks and witty messages about the hyena, some jokingly referencing KWS’s earlier advice that if you encounter a hyena, you shouldn’t run away but instead stand still and talk to it.

Here are some of the amusing comments from Kenyans on X:

“Hyenas are skilled hunters, capable of catching large prey such as wildebeests and zebras. However, they are often unfairly portrayed as mere scavengers. Hyenas have a distinctive ‘laughing’ vocalization that can be heard up to 5 kilometers away,” Fisi African Safaris said.

“In short, today is World Men’s Day, just say it,” Rambo Kanambo said.

“Are those from ‘Kevo’ included? Because I have a friend and we need a reason to celebrate,” said Kenay Bett.

“Hyenas have a delightful laugh that reminds me of politicians,” said Mary Hairy.

“People from Juja have been making noise about Hyenas,” said Okonjo.

What are your thoughts on hyenas?