How General Francis Ogolla inspired his daughter Lorna to greatness

Lorna Achieng, daughter to the fallen General Francis Ogolla now says her father inspired her to become the great woman she is today.

Achieng’ who was speaking during the funeral service said her father gave 100 per cent in everything he did not only for his family but also for the nation.

“My father needed not to tell Joel (her brother) or me to work hard, or what to do, we saw him do it. That is what inspired us.

He worked as if he was working for God and we saw it,” she said.

She even at one point challenged mourners at the event to pursue excellence in their endeavours to exemplify his dedication to work.

Achieng’ highlighted instances of her father’s remarkable perseverance, narrating how he would commute between Laikipia Airbase and Nairobi to attend classes at the University of Nairobi of which he excelled with first-class honours.

“For those of us who have been to the University of Nairobi, it is not an easy path,” she stated.

Interestingly, she revealed that during this period, Operation Linda Nchi was ongoing.

“I asked myself how could I not achieve?” she posed.

She recalled a moment in 2005 when his father was to travel to France for further studies and had only six months to learn French.

With a health complication after swallowing a fish bone, he was hospitalised for two months and still managed to pass the test.

Achieng’ said this did not dampen the spirit of his goal as he would sneak out of the hospital to go and learn.

“He was my size when he was hospitalized at the Armed Forces Memorial Hospital. He would sneak out of the hospital with my mother to go to Alliance Franchise to take his exams so that he doesn’t disappoint the government of Kenya,” she said.

Achieng’s heartfelt tribute painted a vivid picture of a man who lived and worked with passion and integrity, leaving behind a legacy of determination and love.

She expressed how he loved his family and his country noting he would show up at the airport to receive her and even take her out for shopping.

“Even at my big age he would show up for me and also take me balling with my son and my brother,” he said.