‘Honestly, I wasn’t in love with him,’ Mbona singer Denno’s wife admits

Visually impaired singer Denno and his wife Faith Karanja have been married for 8 years. They met in church through her best friend who also happened to be his cousin.

The cousin arranged a meeting over their frequent questions about each other. Her interest was only friendly, not romantic. 

“Honestly I was not in love with him. I wasn’t like admiring him as a husband or something.”

Faith recalled a divine moment before meeting Denno where she God assured her that her future husband would not see wounds on her body owing to an accident. 

He proposed to her in front of her friends.

“He asked would you want to get into marriage with me?” she described how she got to fall in love with him

“I think it’s all God because when he asked me that question, I felt so much honored. That someone who cannot even see me can trust that I would walk into marriage with him. At that moment he proposed. I asked him to first of all give me time.”

She swore to love him back. 

“We were strangers but the feeling was like, ‘This guy I know him for a long time because he is friendly, very trustworthy, sincere,'” she said she ended up loving him for these values.

Ever since she loves living life together with Denno, “I’ve enjoyed in my marriage. At no point have I ever packed up and said, ‘Enough is enough I am going back to my house,’ it’s by the grace of God that we have never separated.”

Faith was a housewife at first and this meant a strain on finances.

“For me like 5 years in my marriage, I was in the house. I wasn’t working and it’s something that I regret. My husband would provide.

He would do a show and it would sustain us for like 2 or 3 months. We would survive like that but it at times reached a point where there were no shows. that’s the time I felt like I should have been doing something.”

She went to school and got a job.

“I have been feeling guilty. Why am I not helping? I studied catering and got a job. When he has shows he provides, I have never felt like I am going to leave him for someone else who has money.”

She advises women to help their husbands with bills.

“I think it’s put in the minds of ladies that men are supposed to provide. You are a helper, the Bible says you came in also as a helper. so when he’s doing something and struggling a little bit, …the time I started working i felt that things have become easier.”