Govt mulls delayed reopening of schools impacted by floods » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 27 — Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang has hinted at a delayed reopening of schools in areas affected by floods in Nairobi

Speaking on Friday at the National Disaster Response Technical Committee meeting in Karen, Kipsang spoke to the matter amid concerns ahead of scheduled reopening of schools on Monday, April 29.

“In Nairobi County we have 64 schools which are substantially affected so we might delay the opening of the 64 schools,” he said.

Kipsang stated that Nairobi has 210 public schools and almost 800 private schools so the 64 institutions do not warrant postponement of reopening for second term.

He ruled out a nationwide delay instead saying the ministry will only consider areas affected by floods.

“We can deal with them as local issues so we don’t need to ask all schools not to open, but we can deal with the isolated cases,” he stated

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua chaired the meeting at his official Karen Residence

It aimed to review new measures stipulated to combat the negative impacts of the heavy rain in the country

Those present included Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja, Mombasa Governor Abdullswamad Nassir and representatives of the Kenya Private Sector Association.

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By Minah Mahero

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