Gospel singer Mary Lincoln ordained as an Evangelist

Kikuyu Gospel singer Mary Lincoln shed tears of joy and fainted as she was ordained as an Evangelist on Sunday, May 12th.

Speaking on her spiritual journey, she told how CS Moses Kuria among others played a big role in encouraging her in her journey to priesthood.

He was in the audience,

“I would like to thank the CS. There is some encouragement and support he gave me. He told me not to allow people to discourage me, I still have that message on my phone. It is long and I would want it to stay for as long on my phone. God bless the Kuria family.”

Expressing her gratitude for moral support of Kenyan Kikuyu preachers, Mary called for tolerance, promising not to disappoint.

In a video on Kururia Tv Sunday May 12, she stood before family and friends expressing gratitude. “Thank you for holding my hand, nimefurahia sana, and I can promise you one thing, my love for God will never change. That God that led me here I will never change,” the singer added

She continued to assure saying,

“Thank you for leading me to Christ, and I want to Thank God even though I embarrassed him, thank you so much to my friends all of you for supporting me.”

She has joined a short list of Kenyan women ordained as Evangelists among them Teresia Wairmu.

“I want to thank God. My God has taken me on a Journey, and I am thankful. Ever since I was born, I never imagined I would be poured on oil and ordained. I have been preaching on Facebook, and in that journey I still never thought of this.”

Mary trended in Kenya years ago after her pictures were leaked online. She repented and apologized at CFF Church in Kiambu, and later released a song about her tribulations.