Foreign Relations Committee grills Ruto’s ambassador picks on trade » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 5 — Vetting of President William Ruto’s ambassadorial picks entered its second day on Friday with lawmakers querying the nominees on how they will boost trade promotion by their respective missions.

Former Kisumu Senator Fred Outa, nominated to Egypt, was tasked to explain how he plans to strengthen relations between Nairobi and Cairo.

Outa who reported his net worth at Sh290 million asserted he will foster import of agricultural products which will in turn create job opportunities in the country.

“I find it important that Egypt is a strategic partner to us and it is crucial to enhance our bilateral trade. As an agricultural country, we have our tea [being] exported in Cairo and that will be my interest,” he said.

Outa’s political past played out during the vetting as members questioned him concerning allegations that he incited violence in 2017 at Ahero Girls High School.

 “In 2017 you were charged in courts for incitement to violence. Do you have regrets and how will you maintain the highest diplomatic standards if approved as our ambassador in Cairo?” asked Shinyalu MP Fred Ekana.

He explained that the charges against him were withdrawn and the court subsequently acquitted him.

“It’s the incident where I had gone to a girls’ school, Ahero Girls, as a patron. The girls were protesting against the transfer of the Principal and they called me. The girls were out and they came running to me because they adored me,” said the nominee.

He added: “The girls blocked all the roads. Kondele was unpassable because the girls loved me.”

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Fostering peace

MPs asked Outa to comment on the tensions between Ethiopia and Egypt over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam constructed along the river Nile and how the country can intervene in the situation.

“Egypt is a desert and their only source of agricultural production is via the Nile water and they protect it jealously because they believe if there will be no water, there will be no Egypt,” Outa responded.

He added: “We as a nation, if you look at our foreign policy, our main objective is to promote peace within our region, and globally. This will be my fundamental mandate if approved and I will take the Kenyan stand on the current situation.”

Former Bomet Senator Christopher Langat who will be the inaugural Cote d’ Ivoire ambassador once approved by lawmakers said he will focus on improving trade relations.

The nominee acknowledged the establishment of diplomatic structures and infrastructure in Abidjan will take time adding that once they formally settle that will be the first undertaking.

“The difference in trade is so wide, what we get from them Sh1.6 trillion while what we get from them is Sh 5.78 trillion. I will make sure the chamber of commerce in both countries discuss and check on commonality issues,” Langat stated.

Framework on exports

The nominee also stated he will seek to enhance bilateral exchange on agricultural productivity through extension program and enhancement of research.

Nominee for Algeria, Timothy Mcharo who boasts 27 years’ experience in foreign affairs promised to boost the trade relations between Kenya and the mission country, assuring MPs that he will focus on fostering increase in agricultural exports.

Mcharo noted agricultural exports to Algeria remain minimal compared to the imports from Algeria. He promised to focus on establishing a framework agreement to enhance imports.

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“My role would be to strengthen our relationship with Algeria by working on mechanisms where we can begin to export on large scale by looking into the tariff and non-tariff barriers,” he said.

Lawmakers questioned the nominee for Algeria on how he will protect the right of Kenya immigrants who transit through Morocco and Algeria to reach Spain.

The Western Mediterranean route became the most frequently used route into Europe.

 “They are protocols that govern the treatment of migrants and my role will be to take care of Kenyans if it comes to my notice that any Kenyan is involved. We will resolve any crisis and ensure their rights are safeguarded,” Charo stated.

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