Fazul-led agency orders security firms to discontinue COTU deductions » Capital News
NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 15 — The Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA) has instructed all Private Security Firms to immediately terminate deductions and remittances of security guards’ monthly trade union fees and contributions to the Central Organisation of Trade Union (COTU).
The authority’s Chief Executive Officer Fazul Mahamed highlighted, in a statement, what he described as COTU’s negligence of the rights of private security guards despite their continued payment of union dues.
“Regrettably, notwithstanding their significant financial contributions, COTU has not lived up to its mandate and has persistently disregarded, declined, and/or neglected to advocate for their rights, advocate for compliance with minimum wage and promote their general welfare,” he noted.
Mahamed noted that the private sector has been a major contributor to COTU but the union has failed its membership.
He said the agency had confirmed that the private officers had made substantial contributions to the union in monthly trade union dues running into billions.
Mahamed has further forewarned private companies that will not adhere to the directive of consequences.
“Any private security company that continues to deduct and remit the said fees to the Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU), shall be subjected to a statutory review of its registration and licensing status in accordance with section 32 of the ACT,” he said.
PSRA said private guards pay between Sh150 and Sh600 in monthly contributions.