Facts you did not know about Mortician Ann Mwangangi

6 years ago, Ann Mwangangi had no idea she would be heavily in a career as a mortician.

She has opened up abpout her life to youtuber Lynn Ngugi. Here are facts about Ann.

– She originally studied for cosmetology

-She is an orphan. Her mum passed away in April 2012.

-Ann has a sibling, a brother

-She was left as a parent ot her brother. Ann was 16 and in Form 2.

-She was left with her grandmother as well.

– She attended a private High school, Kabaare Girls high before movign to a day mixed school Kienia in Subukia.

– Ann comes froma family of teachers. Her dream was to becoem a professor.

“I used ot tell myself that ntil today I stillt ell myself that coz i know its soemthign that is goignt o happen But unfortunatley I think becaus eof hte disruption of the mental situation I didnt get the dgrades to do the whatever I wanted to do.

-she enroleld for a cosmetology course for one year. “you see how people  used to do computer and driving, I was like let me do hairdressing and beauty . Let’s see how that works out. So I did that, finished. I did for a year.”

– After two years she informed her uncle she wanted to pursue a course in Mortuary Science.”

– She waa advised to first volunteer as a mortuary attendant for 3 months to see if she still wanted this. “It was not easy it was not fear, coz I think I had already made peace with fear. It was the smell”

– She finished the volunteering and was offered apprenticeship to teach makeup and hairdressing. “they offered to teach me the basics of body handling that was 7 months. We finished. “

– She later formally pursued an education, for a certificate in Mortuary Science. “Thats the basic, diploma was not introduced then. “

She landed a good job, which she currently holds. “I was made the in charge of the facility. I oversee operations,  but I’m very hands on. “