Different witness accounts of the KDF Helicopter crash
Witnesses of the KDF chopper crash that happened in Sindai, Elgeyo Marakwet County Thursday April 18 have spoken to media houses of the events prior to the accidentA chief in Kaben,
A man told NTV Kenya that he was seated nearby at lunchtime Thursday relaxing, when he saw what appeared to be a helicopter experiencing challenges with its propeller.
“Tukafanya kazi yetu kwa shamba karibu saa nane na dakika kumi na sita. Na tunakula lunch” he said of other farmers.
“Bado hatujakula lunch ndege ikakuja tu hivi” indicating approaching scene “vile tuliangalia ilikuwa propeller haizunguki vile inasema shuka hapo, ikashuka hapo. Wakati nafikiria inashuka, kumbe inaanguka, ikakuja hivi tu straight ikaanguka ikalal hapo chini. “
The grou ran towards the chopper to see how they coudl help
“tukakimbia tukienda kuvurta mahali kuna moto kubwa tukaskuma, huko inalipuka pummm, tuka nganganana mpaka tukatoa watu yote tukapanga “
Other official help arrived as they arranged the bodies.
“tukaskuma tukatoa watu wote ndio tukapanga hao watu nyuma ya ndege. Jeshi wakakuja wakatuambia toka” he said as they also helped survivors.
In another witness account on KTN, a man told how locals responded.
Area Chief Kiliontota Tarus of Kaben location, told KTN that farmers witnessed the crash, after hearing unusual sounds from the aircraft.
“Ndege wakati ilitoka Cheptulele Boys, ili toka tu ikiwa n”ilikuwa imeshika moto, mahali ingine imekatika. Ndio tukavunja mlango tukatoa watu. Walikuwa wakifika chini walikufa, lakini wawili wana survivie. Hali yao ilikuwa mbaya sana. Lakini wale wengine hawakuwam mbyaa sana walikuwa wnaongea. Tulijaribu kuweka upepo hivi lakini hakuna. “a sauti isiyo kuwa ya kawaida, wakati walipita Sinda area, sauti hiyo ikaharibika zaidi. Na ikaland tu kwa propeller ikanyamaza na ikaanguka chini. “
Officers have been sent to the ground to investigate, as locals share their accounts.
Gilbert Ruto saw how it went down as they stood in the scene. they broke the door of the helicopter.
It was flying very low, when they realized something was wrong
“ilikuwa imeshika moto, mahali ingine imekatika. Ndio tukavunja mlango tukatoa watu. Walikuwa wakifika chini walikufa, lakini wawili wana survivie. Hali yao ilikuwa mbaya sana. Lakini wale wengine hawakuwa mbaya sana walikuwa wanaongea. Tulijaribu kuweka upepo hivi lakini hakuna. “