CS Linturi survives ouster bid as MPs find allegations unsubstantiated » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 13 – Embattled Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi has survived the impeachment bid against him after the Select Committee probing ouster found that allegations against him were unsubstantiated.

Seven members of the select committee chaired by Marsabit Woman Representative Naomi Waqo found the allegation levelled against him by Bumula Member of Parliament Jack Wamboka were not substantiated.

Four members of the committee from Azimio, Robert Mbui(Kathiani),T.J.Kajwang (Ruaraka),Catherine Omanyo (Busia) and Yussuf Farah however issued a dissenting report averring that the grounds were substantiated.

In his motion, Wamboka had accused the CS of gross violation of the constitution, gross misconduct and committing serious crimes.

In the particulars of the ground on Gross violation of the constitution, he was accused of violating article (2) and article 10 (1) (c) of the constitution by allegedly acting as a state officer by acting to authorize procurement of fake fertilizer.

Following the decision of the majority in the select committee to thwart the impeachment motion against the Agriculture Cabinet Secretary, the matter has flopped with no further undertaking by lawmakers.

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