CS Linturi denies all allegations brought against him » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 10 – Embattled Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi has denied three-accusations levelled against him in the impeachment motion.

The mover of the motion, Bumula Member of Parliaiment Jack Wamboka tabled three charges against him that include gross violation of the Constitution or any other law, serious reasons to believe the CS has committed a crime under national law, as well as gross misconduct.

On gross violation of the constitution which has been linked to the fake fertilizer scandal, CS Linturi who appeared as a witness defending himself stated that there is no nexus which show he was directly involved in the saga.

He explained the accounting officer in the Ministry, who is the Principal Secretary Kipronoh Ronoh, is responsible for the procurement obligations which led to a bungled process in the distribution of subsidized fertilizer.

“There is no involvement on my part..there’s no role of the cabinet secretary in the procurement and the distribution of subsidized fertilizer,” he said.

CS Linturi while being examined as a witness in the case by his lead counsel Muthomi Thiankolu insisted there’s no nexus between him and the grounds tabled against him on gross violation of the constitution.

“I was never part of the evaluation committee that processed and evaluated the tender on government fertilizer subsidy,” he stated.

“I am wholly dependent on the advise and notices issued by institutions within the Ministry,” CS Linturi added.

The Agriculture Cabinet Secretary poked holes on his impeachment motion saying the grounds are frivolous by attempting to claim that the submission he presented before the Agriculture Committee are based on lies.

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“I can only be accused by that committee unless the standing orders have changed. The standing orders requires the committee to table the report and for the house to adopt the report recommending charges because I lied before the committee,” CS Linturi stated.

On gross misconduct, he reaffirmed that 33 court cases backing the impeachment ground which were based on a divorce case were fictitious, case example of love affair gone sour.

With a lot of anguish expressed on his face, Linturi maintained that love disputes between him his ex-wife, Marianne Kitany who is Aldai MP has morphed into an impeachment motion.

“And out of the few selected cases here, there is none that I lost. It has been a very painful experience. When I start thinking about it makes me break,” Linturi said.

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