Court suspends Chebochok’s swearing-in as Toror Tea Factory director » Capital News
NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 15 – The Kericho High Court has suspended the swearing-in of John Chebochok as Toror Tea Factory’s director pending the ruling on a petition challenging his appointment.
This is after five petitioners indicated that there is a real and imminent threat to the financial stability and reputation of the factory should Chebochok be approved as director.
“That in the meantime the AGM scheduled for 18th of this month to swear in John Chebokoch into office as a director is suspended. Matter is scheduled for ruling on 15th of next month,” the court order read.
The matter came up for hearing but directions were given for the Petitioners’ application to be canvassed by way of written submissions
Usikimye CBO, Wangu Kanja Foundaton (K) Registered Trustee , Oxfam, The African Gender and Media 8Initiatative Trustees and Flonbe Initoative further argue that ey stakeholders and purchasers of tea from the Applicants company have protested the election of the Respondent and have suspended their business with the Applicant, leading to a significant financial downturn.
“1st Respondent does not meet the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya, which emphasizes the responsibilities and ethics required of public officers, including integrity, leadership accountability, and adherence to ethical standards,”they argue
Kenya Tea Development Agency Group Company Secretary in responses supported the noitice of motion arguing that John Chebochok election is not only affecting the sales of the factory he was elected to but is also now affecting the brand of the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) and all its smallholder factories, thereby putting at risk the economic livelihood of more than a million farmers who supply tea to KTDA factories